Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Percy Jackson "The Sevens" Name Meanings

Leo means lion or brave people, his middle name could possibly be Pyralis and Valdez means from the valley. Jason means healer, his middle name could possibly be Asterope and Grace means favor or blessing. Piper means pipe player, her middle name could possibly be Elu and McLean means son of the servant. Hazel means the hazel tree, her middle name could possibly be Aurelia and Levesque means bishop. Frank means free, his middle name could be Aloysius and Zhang means to open up or to spread. Annabeth means gracious, her middle name could possibly be Sofia and Chase means to hunt. Perseus means destroyer, his middle name could be Jim/James and Jackson means son of John. The picture belongs to Viria and whoever else owns it.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

What KOTLC Charachters Voices Sound Like Part 1

I will start with the three most liked Councillors and it will technically have spoilers from the books. Oralie: Calm and soothing; I think it was also described as gentle which is a voice that is soft but a bit high-pitched. Terik: He has an adult male deep voice. Bronte: Deep monotone voice. The Adults Grady: Deep voice that is a bit raspy. Edaline: A musical lower or softer pitch. Kesler: A deep soft voice. Ok this is it for Part 1 so another time there will be a part 2.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Why KOTLC Charachters Are Most Likely Christians

This is Not Canon unless Shannon says that it is. They are noble so why oh why would they believe in beings that make way too many mistakes? They all have there flaws. Like how Keefe ran away for Sophie twice. How Linh,Tam,Biana and Dex aren't so close to Sophie later on because of the fire she made. How Sophie has made mistakes literally every book. How Fitz has problems of being angry way to much. Have God talk to them. They can even question why God made them that way. https://authoringarrowheads.com/2021/01/20/how-to-write-realistic-christian-characters/ Charachters With Christian names Keefe is one as well as a gaelic one, Biana is fully Christian, Maruca is Spanish for Mary, Stina is Christian that is literally the name meaning, Marella is a variant of Marieella, Linh is a name for Christanity, Tam is a Christian Hebrew name, Ro is a Christian German name, Sophie is a Christian name, Fitz is a Christian Latin baby boy name, Amy is a Christian name, Bronte is popular in Christian relegion, Cassius is a Christian Latin name, Dexter "Dex" is a Christian name, Edaline is a Christian name, Elwin is a Christian Boys name, Fintan is a Christian name, Gisela is most commonly used as a Christian German name, Iggy is a Jewish name, Jensi's name meaning has to do with Christianity, Kenric is a Christian name, Errol (Mr. Forkle's first name) is a Christian name, Oralie is a Christian name, Rayni's name means to impress God, Sandor is also a Christian name, Livvy is a Christian name, Nubiti is a Christian name, Ramira is Christian-Spanish, Ruy is a Christian-Portuguese, I'm betting Christian, Tiergan is also a Christian name but with Irish as well, Wylie is a Christian name and let me check but they probably all have Chrisitian names. Luzia is named after Saint Lucy according to online and so far the others have Christian names. Unknown if Orem,Woltzer, Umber, Vertina and Tinker are part of it in any way. Zarina is a Muslim name. Stellarlune-Flashback they all have Christian names except the few listed up there. Quinlin is close to Quinlan which is a Christian name. I'm just going to assume that they all have Christian names because well this would take me forever and I'm pretty sure. I will check to see if there middle names are Christian. (Just the main gang for this one) Fitz's, Biana's, Sophie's, Stina's, Dex's and Marella's middle names are in Christianity so yeah. Then last names are just a random thing to call people by.

Friday, August 18, 2023

I just realized

Aren't the Talentless in KOTLC basically like humans minus the fact that they stay the same age when they are older and there skills. #KOTLC #Talentless #Talentless Elves #Realization #I still feel bad for them #Imagine being Rex or Kesler Ok I am done with my #'s now.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

How Tam and Linh Dyed Their Hair

They need conditioner but you may be asking how would they get it? Maybe they made it themselves. How To Make Conditoner: Distilled water (they made it by somehow melting it then adding ice then waiting for it to cool, probably asked their coach or someone for help. They just needed to ozs.), they made emulsifying wax by adding 8 pots of beeswax & a pot of an egg yolk which they need .25 OZ, They asked their coach for coaco nibs in a pot for 10 minutes, coarse coaco powder, flows nicely then they stopped it, then mix butter knife with the other two ingredients for .25 OZs, kernels from argan trees then make it .25 OZs into oil, jojoba seeds then let them dry for awhile until it gets to 10 percent, press the seeds next, pour it inside a container or glass then put a lid on it with .25 OZs, .25 OZ Cromollient SCE from their coach, cut an aloe plant near the base put it in a container for 10 minutes, use a sharp knife to take the spine off, use a spoon to scoop it out, then blend it, put it in a sterilized jar then freeze it & add honey, rinse it under cold water then they put in .5 OZs to it, they used honey then froze it then sprayed it, then they mixed their own Linatural broad spectrum preservative by .05 OZs, they melted metal as we all know, mixed those two together, then added a lot of water with Linh's Hydrokinetic ability then mixed it all together and put it on their hair with foil that they got from their coach and that is how they can brush it and cut it. (They made double that though because you need lots of it.) Thanks for reading if you read this far, yours in dying help, Biana (No, I just thought that this would be helpful to people Fitz on how they don't have clumpy hair. People Tam says I am correct. Linh smiles and nods so that she can tell me that it is the truth. Sophie thinks I am staring at Tam because I love him, "blah". Keefe is also staring at me in the same way. Ok even my parents since we are at Everglen doing a Sleepover are staring at me. Dex is jeal- Wait he says I should cut this post now so bye guys. Marella is glaring at Glimmer and she is glaring back so are my other friends. Ok, Dex threatened that he would turn this thing off if I didn't stop. Biana Amberly Vacker, signing off and going back to the Sleepover.) Pst. I am still here so here is what I mean with the picture then I will actually sign off also should I get streaks with this technice?:
Here are the ingredients they told me about that were not water or metal: https://www.ouroilyhouse.com/how-to-make-homemade-conditioner-simple-recipe-using-essential-oils/ Ok I am now actually signing off with my picture also yes I did hack into FastCheethaGirl's account or was I her the whole time. Now I have a second before Dex logs me out so I will now leave. If you have any questions please ask me.
Ok so me and Biana and the Keeper crew will be sharing this account so if you get answers from someone else that is them. Though mostly Biana, Marella and Sophie with the most on this account being Biana will be doing it unless they ask me. This will also be on Tumblr on August 1-FastCheethaGirl,signing off.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

How To Dress Like Lester Papadopoulos In 'The Hidden Oracle'

He wore a red hoodie, white shirt, jeans and black sneakers for Chapter 1-3. The one below is for 4-8 and 27-39 though I don't think it is mentioned in 39.
He wore a CHB shirt, jeans and white sneakers for Chapter 9-26.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

How To Dress Like Fitz Vacker Part 1/10

 KOTLC; https://www.target.com/p/hanes-men-39-s-ecosmart-fleece-pullover-hooded-sweatshirt-light-blue-xxl/-/A-54234652, a white shirt, jeans and white sneakers. He wore https://www.google.com/search?q=dark+rock+jacket&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sxsrf=APwXEdf0jTv-Iyl-XaDMYbHtVlzmlaefhA%3A1684700979267&ei=M39qZLH9D8bIkPIPmoeNsAQ&oq=dark+rock+jacket&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgAEB4yCAghEKABEMMEMggIIRCgARDDBDIICCEQoAEQwwQ6BAgjECc6BQgAEKIEOgcIIxCwAhAnOgoIIRCgARDDBBAKOggIABAIEAcQHjoKCAAQCBAHEB4QDzoHCAAQDRCABDoGCAAQBxAeOggIABCKBRCRAjoGCAAQHhANSgQIQRgAUI8UWKhLYO1NaAVwAXgAgAGOAYgBpw6SAQQ0LjEymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp&bshm=nce/6, white shirt, jeans and white sneakers. He wore https://www.google.com/search?q=long+blue+tunic+with+elaborate+embroidery+on+the+edges&source=lmns&bih=686&biw=1143&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwid85T9oIf_AhX-DUQIHQB9CKkQ0pQJKAB6BAgAEAY&bshm=nce/6 with small pockets on the sleeves, https://www.google.com/search?q=black+pants+with+pockets+at+the+ankles&oq=black+pants+with+pockets+at+the+ankles&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160j33i22i29i30j33i15i22i29i30.8518j0j9&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&bshm=nce/6 and https://us.boohoo.com/worker-boots/MZZ00151.html. He wore his second human clothing look. He wore a dark blue tunic with embroidered edged, dark pants and dark boots in Chapter 15 (It is just a guess). He wore a https://www.rawblade.com/body-stuff/375-yalon-long-jerkin-deluxe-green.html, https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sxsrf=APwXEddtjAjl2zt2K6S58SJrJ9YkMNIrHQ:1684702082735&q=green+pants&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjrh8appIf_AhUUIEQIHfV9B7YQ0pQJegQIBhAB&biw=1143&bih=686&dpr=1.75, https://www.google.com/search?q=green+half+a+cape&oq=green+half+a+cape&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2j33i22i29i30.4385j0j9&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&bshm=nce/6,nce/6#imgrc=0wuPrVtAC9ENNM, make a green dragon clasp, black long sleeved shirt and dark boots. He wore a https://www.google.com/search?q=green+tunic&oq=green+tunic&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i20i263i512j0i512j0i273i650j0i512l10.2868j0j7&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8, black leggings and black sneakers. He wore a dark green tunic, dark brown pants and brown boots in Chapter 25 (Just my guess of what he was wearing.) He wore a red tunic, black pants and brown boots while they celebrated passing Their Midterms. (This is just my guess of what he was wearing). He wore a dark red tunic, dark pants and dark boots when they played Base Quest the second time. (Just a guess of mine not that it is accurate.) He wore his PE Uniform in Chapter 35. He wore a white shirt, black leggings and black sneakers. He wore dull clothing for the last chapters.

(Discountinued unless someone wants to continue this.)

Orginally published May 21, 2023 and edited on the day it says.

Percy Jackson "The Sevens" Name Meanings

Leo means lion or brave people, his middle name could possibly be Pyralis and Valdez means from the valley. Jason means healer, his middle n...